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Jakub Jurkiewicz
Currently, a CTO, previously an agile practice lead and agile coach, participated in his first standup in 2005 and facilitated his first retrospective in 2007. Previously a software developer, team leader, scrum master and agile consultant. He took his first Agile Coaching position in 2013 and failed miserably. From that moment he has been exploring the craft of agile coaching and leadership.
Jakub has worked in a startup where agility and change were harnessed every day and in big corporations where people were afraid to mention their ideas. He learned that only through collaboration, openness and trust one can build a successful environment for change, grow and innovation. Jakub gained a PhD degree from his research on bringing agility and automation to requirements analysis. He continues his research as a Research Product Owner at the Business Agility Institute.
Jakub is one of many co-leaders and co-facilitators of Auckland Agile Coaching where coaches have space to hone their craft, build new skills and get support. He also designed a number of agile trainings, including ICAgile Agile Coaching, Agile Fundamentals and Agile Team Facilitator. He hosted and facilitated Agile Coach Camps, Product Tank Unconference and Global Code Retreats, with next events already being planned.
Jakub has spoken at a number of conferences including Adaptive NZ 2023, Agile on the Beach NZ 2019, 2020 and 2003, Agile NZ 2017, GeeCon 2014, EmpiRE 2012, BIS 2007, Agile 2021, Agile India 2020, 2021 and 2022.
Jakub’s full LinkedIn profile can be found here.
Jakub is the designer of and a trainer in the Agile Coaching Lab program.
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